Sunrise in the Pond
Dappled morning sunlight streams through the trees and water as tadpoles swim through the water shield plants.
Sunset March
Western Toad Tadpoles swim along in formation through the sunlit vegetation as they head to the open water to fed in the early evening
Evening Commute
Diving in a swamp is not everyone’s idea of a good time. After seeing an image in National Geographic magazine as a kid, of a photographer neck deep in a swamp with his camera held high, I have been intrigued by what lies below.
Cedar Lake Dreams
Western Toad tadpoles stream through a magical setting in the sun drenched waters at the edge of Cedar Lake.
Cedar Lake Tadpoles
As the sun sets Western Toad tadpoles emerge from the weeds and head in to the lake to feed on the bottom.
Childhood memories come flooding back when most people think of tadpoles.
Cape Breton Water Lily
Twisted flower stems feature in this unique image of water lilies underwater in a swamp on Cape Breton Island.
Cape Breton Lily Pond
Unique twisted flower stems of the water lilies create an interesting composition. Cape Breton Island in Nova Scotia has hundreds of small lakes and swamps filled with these lilies and I could not pass an opportunity to get in and document the amazing scenes found underneath the surface.
Cape Breton Pond Lilies
Overlapping leaves of water lilies make interesting patterns on the surface of the water in this submerged view
Water-shield Tapestry
Water-shield plants bask in the brilliant sunshine in the margins of a lake in British Columbia.
Pond Light Tapestry
Sunlight streams in the shallow waters of a lake margin and lights up the water plants
Yellow Water Lily leaves emerging and reaching the surface waters of a shallow swamp in the early spring.
Pond depths 2
Fallen logs and Water-shield plants fill the margins of a small lake.
Pond Depths
Under a ponds surface is a place of light and colour and life
Painted Lilies
Abstract patterns reflected in the surface of pond from the brightly lit water plants
Under a Pond Surface
Yellow Water Lilies in shallow lake margin in British Columbia.
Pond Reflections
Reflections of Water-shield plants in the underneath surface of a pond create dynamic lines.
Cedar Lake Lily
Yellow Water Lily growing amoung the stumps underwater in Cedar Lake
Pond and Sky
Yellow Water Lily leaves in a pond with lots of blue sky.
Yellow Water Lily Reflections
At the margins of Cedar Lake grow Yellow Water Lilies. Here reflected in the still water surface.
Water World
Under the surface of a pond is a whole different world.
Deep as a Tadpole Goes
Western Toad tadpole swimming down into the sun-drenched waters of Cedar Lake.
Fall Leaf Underwater
Maple Leaf floating down the Campbell River during autumn.
Banded Tetra in Shadows
Banded Tetra, Astyanax aeneus, in a small stream in Nicaragua